ANTHROP 2200 Study Guide - Postcrania, Ardi, Tugen Hills

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Been tested for a long time and stands without fail. The surface of the earth has changed and continues to change. The plants and animals on earth have changed and continues to change. Major event occurs and species get wiped out. Ridiculed by cuvier and died a pauper in paris. Possesses that happened in the past are happening today and will continue to happen. 3. 7 billion years ago prokaryotic cells (single cell) Mitochondrial mtdna inherited only from the mother slow to change. Transcription mrna reads copy and makes base pairs. Mendel realizes one set of alleles does not influence inheritance of another set. Two alleles per trait are inherited, one from each parent. Each gene passes from parents to offspring independent of other physical traits. Always hidden by dominant allele; unless there is no dominant allele present. Multiple alleles at multiple loci on the chromosomes. Study of changes in gene frequencies and their effects on adaptation and evolution.