ANTHROP 2201 : ANTHROP 2201 - FULL NOTES for the course

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Study of patterns of behavior in the past. First evidence of excavation to recover and explore. James hutton: uniformitarianism same process at work in present happened in past. Tools were not used at the same time. Directly linked to the age of the earth. Id native american cultural groups in archaeological record. Connecting between artifacts, and social and economic relations. Shift opens door to look at much more. Based on scientific method and supported by development of theory. View culture as systems that produces steady state. Section 106: take into account effects of building on historic or prehistoric sites. Identify sites, minimize/avoid adverse effects on historic or prehistoric sited. Archaeology should understand past from perspective of people who lived it. Etic: approach and understand of culture from outside (processual) Emic: culture can only be understood from inside perspective. Post-processual: embraces present and the view it brings to interpreting the past. Know broad time periods and what happened in them.