POLI SCI 220 Study Guide - Final Guide: Session Laws, Antonin Scalia, Precedent

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The systems of checks and balances in the constitution exists to ensure that no branch of government become all powerful in the sense that it makes decisions without regulation. It can reject sc nominees, and impeach federal judges. Regarding the executive branch, congress can override the presidents veto, impeach and remove the president, as well as investigate into the presidents actions. The executive branch can veto acts of congress, as well as interpret and carry out laws made by congress. Regarding the judicial branch, the president nominates sc and federal judges, refuse to enforce their decisions, and grant pardons. The judicial branch can declare executive actions as unconstitutional, issue warrants, and declare congressional laws as unconstitutional. The relationship between the three branches of government has grown increasingly conflicting. A lot of tension exists between the branches, and they are constantly looking for ways to undercut, or work around the other branches.