BIOS30344 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Photon, Group C Nerve Fiber, Special Senses

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7 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Venous blood supply: arachnoid membrane: arterial vasculature. Ascending tracts: to the brain, dorsal and outer spinal cord ii. Two hemispheres connected by corpus callosum: cerebellum: balance and coordination, diencephalon: centers for homeostasis i. ii. iii. iv. Pituitary gland: brainstem: oldest part of brain, vital functions. Pons: breathing: midbrain ii, medulla: vital involuntary functions iv. Reticular formation: muscle tone, arousal, sleep, pain modification: name the four lobes of the cerebral cortex and list which sensory, motor, or association areas are associated with each lobe, occipital: vision mostly i. Visual cortex and visual association area: parietal: sensory association areas i. Somatosensory cortex: frontal: attention, decision making --prefrontal association area, motor cortex and motor association areas ii. Gustatory cortex: temporal: audition mostly i. ii. Habituation: adaptation to a stimulus so that it no longer affects a response. Sensitization: affecting a stronger response to a stimulus.