BIOS10119 Study Guide - Final Guide: Leda Cosmides, The Adapted Mind, Wisdom Tooth

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Argument: the bigger brain of the human reflects a shift away from instinct and toward learning. Counterargument: the adapted mind by leda cosmides and john tooby: humans simply have more learning capacity and more instincts. Learning implies plasticity and instinct implies preparedness: they are not at opposite ends of a spectrum, an animal can rely on both, people learn (being plastic) by sharing assumptions (being prepared) Nurture is not necessarily the opposite of nature. We are the product of genes that develop and are calibrated by experience. Anthropologists and archaeologists: man developed bigger brain for the purpose of creating and using tools: counterargument. The baby ape: 18% of energy humans consume is spent in running the brain. If neoteny argument is true, then language would be regarded as a product of the large brain which is false. Neoteny, does however, increase our intelligence: enlarges the brain size at adulthood.