BIOS10119 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Iliad, Black Grouse, Stone Age

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Powerful men have the most sexual partners because they can support the numbers of wives. Most people are descendants from emperors, king, etc because they are the ones that had the most females for mating. In polygamous societies, less privileged men have less women or are even condemned to celibacy. Every behavior is the product of an instinct trained by experience. For men women are vehicles that will carry his genes into the next generation; would have harems; are seducers and promiscuous. For women men are a source for sperm which will allow the egg to become an embryo; would have one faithful husband; seduced and faithful. (exception: jacana, phalarope). Powerful men have always had more than one mate, though usually only one legitimate wife who produces the heirs. Homosexual promiscuity: homosexuals are generally more promiscuous than heterosexuals. Male homosexuals are acting out male tendencies unfettered by the pressure of women toward monogamy.