BIOS10112 Final: Marine Environment Exam Review Notes

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16 Aug 2016

Document Summary

90% of our stuff is shipped across oceans. About 16% of the total world"s protein. Ocean is #1 source of protein for more than a billion people. Warm ocean waters fuel storm systems that provide rain. Most rain that falls on lands originally evaporated from the tropic ocean. 50-70% of the oxygen we breathe come from phytoplankton. Renewable energy from waves, tides, and currents. Structure of this class living ocean: physical ocean. Hydrogen formed shortly after the big bang. Oxygen was formed in stars that exploded before our sun was formed. Much of earth"s water was present in the nebula that coalesced into the sun and planets. As the molten earth stratified according to density gases rush to outside layer volcanoes. As earth cooled, water vapor fells as rains, oceans formed. Some water landed as parts of comets and asteroids. Divided into 5 main regions (pacific, atlantic, indian, arctic, southern/antarctic ocean)