ISS 215 Study Guide - Final Guide: Operation Wetback, Godparent, Neocolonialism

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A subordinate group whose members have significantly less control or power over their own lives than do the members of a dominant or majority group. Are given less opportunities when it comes to success, education, wealth, and happiness. 5 characteristics: unequal treatment, distinguishing physical or cultural traits, involuntary membership, awareness of subordination, in group marriage. Minority status is not necessarily about the numbers. The term is reserved for minorities and the corresponding majorities that are socially set apart because of obvious physical differences. In the united states, skin color is obvious vs other places there are words to describe different people with different skin color, face shapes, features, etc. Physical differences generally prove the barrier between acceptance by the host society. Ethnic groups = groups set apart from others because of their national origin or distinctive cultural patterns. Cultural differences such as language, attitudes towards marriage and parenting, food habits.