ANP 220 Study Guide - Final Guide: Fictive Kinship, Fosterage, Hypergamy

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Classification systems or "taxonomies" organize related things (examples: fruits vs. vegetables, families) Metaphorical cultural models explain complex abstract phenomena in terms of simple and readily apparent ones (example: light = thinking of ideas) Gender norms, values, roles and prohibitions associated with maleness and femaleness in a given culture or society. Monogamy (union of one person to another, usually but not always a male to a female): cultural ideal in ~20% of societies historically. Polygyny (union of one male to more than one female): extremely common, cultural ideal in~80% of all societies historically, often requires and produces wealth (example: w. Polyandry (union of one female to more than one male): relatively rare, ~2% of human societies, tends to limit family size(example: tibetan pastoralists) Polygamy a general term for plural marriage (polyandry or polygyny) Hypergamy marrying up fictive kinship not determined by consanguinity (blood) or affinity (marriage) -examples adoption, fosterage metaphorical kinship. Many definitions of class combine income/wealth, education, occupation, cultural practices.