ANTH 207 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Parallel And Cross Cousins, Patrilocal Residence, Incest Taboo

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Nuclear family- a group cosisting of one or two parents and dependent offspring. Extended family- two or more closely related nuclear families clustered together. Polygyny- man marrying 2 or more women at same time. Polyandry- woman marrying 2 or more men at same time. Neolocality- household away from either husband or wives relatives. Eskimo systems: identify mother,father,brother,sister, uncle, aunt, and cousin. Bride price- money or valuables paid by groom to brides family. Open system- permit upward and downward mobility were open. Closed system - institutional limits on social mobility. Lineages- corporate decent group, everyone is related, common ancestor. Clans- two plus lineages same blood, not corporate decent group. Mointe -split a group into two ancestral groups. Cross cousin- child of a mothers brother or fathers sister. Parallel cousin- child of a mothers sister or fathers brother. Levi straus- looked at social structure as being seriously interested in this whole idea of marriage. Interested in partnerships, arranged marriages and partner love.