ENG 111 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Abercrombie & Fitch, Taco Bell, 13 Reasons Why

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Abercrombie and fitch"s ceo, michael jeffries explained how abercrombie"s targeting audience was good-looking people and that they do not plan on. Even as a fit and active athlete, i felt offended by this advertisement because this is a store that i shop at pretty frequently. After hearing abercrombie"s ceo talk, i did not feel as comfortable wearing their label and clothing on my body. I never really thought about the girls who were overweight and could not fit into abercrombie and fitch clothing. All that crossed my mind was that i fit into the clothes and that i liked the style of the clothes they sold. However, after hearing about this advertisement and thinking of a few of my friends who were overweight, i felt uncomfortable buying and wearing their clothes. I did not want to promote their clothing after hearing about the message they were sending to the world.