BIO 305 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Nernst Equation, Pituitary Gland, Endocrine System

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What are some examples of each: negative: working against a change to reestablish an optimal range, positive: ex. Labor stimuli comes in and causes a further deviation from the optimal range causes some type of end. What are some examples of each: feed forward . The second law of thermodynamics entropy always increases. Physiology creates order (reduces entropy) in our systems, but the second law is still valid because the entropy of the universe will increase as a result. G (cid:523)gibb"s free energy energy available to do work. The further a rxn is from equilibrium, the more energy is available (note that this is why atp breakdown releases so much energy! Energy in physiological systems is often stored in gradients. Creating a gradient costs energy, molecules moving down gradient releases it. Diffusion does not require direct energy input (uses gradients). --> moves down its gradient.