SOCL 3510 : Spring Intersession (2017) Final

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

What is hate crime: there is no specific act that is a hate crime, refers to motivation: bias, predicate offenses, murder, nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, aggravated assault, simple assault, intimidation, arson, vandalism. What groups can be targets of bias: race, religion, ethnicity/national origin, sexual orientation, persons with disabilities. What else can be targeted: crimes against persons. Individuals: crimes against property, businesses or institutions, crimes against society. How is it counted: ucr, nibrs, data collection started in 1991, has been slowly getting better. Hate crimes (nibrs, 2012: there were 5,790 single-bias incidents, there were 6,705 single-bias offenses within these incidents. Distribution: most reported hate crimes are based on race (48%, sexual orientation (19. 6%, religion (19%, ethnicity/ national origin (11. 5%, disability (1. 6%) What kind of crimes: crimes against persons: 59, simple assault (39. 6%) Intimidation (37. 5%: less than 1% are murder and rape, crimes against property: 38, the majority of these offenses are vandalism or destruction of property, crimes against society: 3%