PSYC 4030 Study Guide - Chessboard, Carl Bereiter, Problem Solving

32 views5 pages
18 Jun 2014

Document Summary

An expert is : someone who consistently achieves very high levels of performance in a domain. Imagine: the type of person (student, professional, parent) you would like to become. How this fits with previous lectures: talk about how expert performance is achieved- deliberate practice, we are beginning to put all the pieces together, ability to successfully set and achieve goals, principles that underlie effective learning, deliberate practice. Deliberate practice: characteristics of expertise, differences between experts and novices, the amount of domain-relevant information experts can hold in working memory. Chase & simon (1973: chess experts vs. Experts tend to focus on underlying principles. Novices tend to focus on superficial features: experts organize their knowledge differently. Expert knowledge is organized around domain-relevant concepts (problem categories: experts better at recognizing relevant features. Appear to build up knowledge of lots of previous cases and the associated solutions: fighting fires (example)- knew the floor would collapse.