KIN 2504 : KIN 2504 Exam 4

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Chapter 11: chronic disease: medical condition that develops gradually and persists for months or years, symptoms can be treated, underlying causes cannot be cured, most common are allergies, followed by back pain, asthma, migraines, bronchitis, high blood pressure. Ingesting food increases blood glucose levels by releasing insulin in the pancreas. If blood glucose is not high enough, glucagon is released from the pancreas to raise levels. Insulin is not produced by beta cells: develops early in life and is caused by genetic and other unknown factors, makes up 5-10% of the total diabetic population. Insulin dependent: type 2 diabetes, body loses ability to respond to insulin and therefore cannot regulate blood sugar. Lung disease: asthma: lungs" airways swell, restricting airflow. Four stages of cancer: studied by oncologists (cancer specialists, cancer or tumor is small and localized; cancer is often curable at this stage. Cancer is locally advanced, may involve lymph nodes: metastasized to distant sites.