COMD 4250 : Midterm 2 Review

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

The bernoulli effect : when there is a constriction, pressure will decrease and velocity will increase. Glottal movement: to open the glottis, subglottal pressure must be greater than supraglottal pressure, minimum pressure to open the glottis 3-5 cm h2o subglottal pressure divergent shape closing phase convergent shape opening phase. Vocal attack: bringing the vf to the midline to begin phonation, muscles are used: contraction of the lca, transverse arytenoid, oblique arytenoid. Sustained phonation: maintenance of a laryngeal posture through tonic (sustained) contraction of musculature, placing & holding vf in a fixed position (not the product of repetitive adduction and abduction of the vf) Termination: abducting vf, very rapid, muscles are used: contraction of the pca. F 0 (rate of vf vibration) decreases as a function age. Two notes have a frequency ratio of 2:1 and are said to be separated by an octave.