COMD 2081 : COMD Exam 1

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Ribs- 12 pairs that form a cylinder-like shape primary structural support for respiration. True ribs- pairs 1-7; false ribs- pairs 8-10; floating ribs- pairs 11&12. Neck muscles (strap muscles)- used in elevating rib cage for respiration. Lower airway: trachea (windpipe)- a tube of 20 cartilage rings. Respiration- basic exchange of gases for maintenance of biological systems; controlled by brainstem medulla oblongata. Inhalation & exhalation- we normally speak during exhale. Larynx- produces sound, prevents things from entering trachea. Hyoid bone- suspends the larynx, floats under jaw. Thyroid cartilage- butterfly shaped; forms front and side walls of larynx (adams apple) Cricoid cartilage- top ring of trachea; linked to thyroid and arytenoid cartilages through cricoarytenoid joint; most important of the cartilages. Arytenoid cartilages- two small pyramid shaped cartilages that sit on top of cricoid and attach the true vocal folds and cause them to open and close. Thyroarytenoid muscles: intrinsic (internal)- attachments within larynx (vocal chords)