CMST 1061 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Natural Science, Egyptian Pyramids, Communication Theory

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2 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Our sense of self develops by how we communicate with. Change and grow as you develop and grow as a person. Communication is the principle way in which relationships. Strong sense of quality and success of relationships based. Need it to get jobs, learn, and function in everyday. Basic model of communication: when we communicate we all have shared experiences, three types of noise o o o o. Thoughts that make communication less effective noise outside of you. Air condition, doors, bells: physical, psychological, physiological. Biology, if you are sick: meanings exist in people not in words, simultaneous, communication, environment/ context, communication, environment/ context. Features: it"s a process, its always moving, creating, we communicate by gestures, writing, signs, how we dress, responding, adapt, visible aspects, people, symbols- are the things that represent something else, technology (channel) Email, phone, moodle: invisible aspects, meanings, we assign meanings to the symbols we use, meanings are subjective.