BIO 140- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 12 pages long!)

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5 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Bonds of ice are more spread apart than liquid. Water is composed of a polarized covalent bond. Overall has a neutral charge because of equal numbers of protons and electrons. Each water molecule is able to form 4 hydrogen bonds (ice) Oxygen (strong electronegativity) and hydrogen (weak electronegativity) bond to form a polar covalent bond. Solvated: the atoms in a molecule are isolated and surrounded by water molecules. One end is partially positive (hydrogen) (marked as delta +) One end is partially negative (oxygen) (marked as delta -) But the electrons are asymmetrically spread out, making the water polar. Takes a lot of energy for it to boil. Measure of protons (h+) in a solution (moles per litre) A change in 1 ph unit is equal to 10x more concentration of protons. The lower the ph, the higher the number of protons. Ex: 7ph to 6 ph has 10x more protons per liter.