KHSS 143 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Sexually Transmitted Infection, Binge Drinking, Sunscreen

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Place an x next to the number that applies to you for each statement. Then, total up the number for each of the 4 columns. Write the sum of all your totals for each column in the light gray box on the right of the chart. That number is your score for that dimension. Once completed save and upload to drop box. I engage in vigorous exercises for over 30 minutes a day (i. e. brisk walking, cycling) up to 5 times a week and strengthening exercises 2 or more days a week. I get 7-- 8 hours of sleep each night and awake feeling refreshed. I listen to my body; when there is something wrong, i seek professional advice. I abstain from drug abuse both over the counter (otc) and illicit. I responsibly use alcohol. (i. e. designating sober drivers and avoiding binge drinking). I examine my breasts or testes on a monthly basis.