BIOS-1113 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Anatomical Terms Of Motion, Tiptoes, Cell Membrane

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Clenching the fingers to make a fist, then relaxing and straightening them is an example of. A body part that is further away from the midline of the body is said to be ____. lateral. The anatomic position refers to the position in which a person is standing upright facing the observer, feet parallel and flat on the floor, and palms facing forward. If you stand on tiptoes to reach something high, you are performing ______________ at the ankle. plantar flexion. A body part that is located above another part is said to be ____. superior. Rotation of the forearm so as to direct the palm anteriorly (as in anatomic position) is called supination. The bridge of the nose is ____ to the eye medial. A body part that is farther from the point of attachment or farther from the trunk or torso is said to be ____. distal.