MET 2010C Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Polar Front, Santa Ana Winds, Occluded Front

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22 Feb 2021

Document Summary

This is not intended to cover all topics that will be on the exam, nor will every topic on this list be on the exam. It is merely a guide to be used to assist your study. Be able to determine lapse rate and stability given charts of elr: know the relationship between elr and adiabatic rates in relationship to atmospheric stability. Why do they blow parallel to isobars at such high speeds: what are gradient winds, ridges and troughs, what are the properties of cyclones and anticyclones. Air pressure, divergent/convergent air, rising/sinking air, clockwise/counterclockwise rotation and associated weather: how is wind direction labeled, vocabulary: wind, atmospheric pressure, isobar, friction, wind vane, cup anemometer and aerovane. Chapter 7 circulation of the atmosphere: know the different scales of wind and circulation on earth and examples of each. Microscale, mesoscale, macroscale, planetary scale and synoptic scale: know the different types of local winds, what causes them, and what direction they blow.