MET 2010C Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mixing Ratio, Cloud Condensation Nuclei, Altocumulus Cloud

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22 Feb 2021

Document Summary

This is not intended to cover all topics that will be on the exam, nor will every topic on this list be on the exam. It is merely a guide to be used to assist your study. Know each phase change and the calories absorbed or released: know the difference between absolute humidity, mixing ratio and relative humidity. No calculations at this time: vapor capacity of air related to temperature, relative humidity relate to temperature, what is a hygrometer. What is a psychrometer and how does it work: how do adiabatic temperature changes work (rising and sinking air) What are dry & wet adiabatic rates: mechanisms that force air to rise: orographic lifting, localized convective lifting, convergence & frontal wedging, what is stability of air and tendency of air. What causes air to be instable and what is the result. Absolute stability, absolute instability & conditional stability.