PSYC 1001 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Wilhelm Wundt, Naturalistic Observation, Behaviorism

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17 Jul 2018
PSYC 1001 Full Course Notes
PSYC 1001 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Define psychology: the scientific study of behavior and mental process. When: wilhelm wundt, university of leipzig, germany, in 1979, he developed the technique of objective introspection. Psychological methods of research (e. g. experiment, naturalistic observation, case study, survey, etc: advantages and disadvantages of each. Independent and dependent variables: independent variables = a variable that is not related to another cause, dependent variables = something that needs the other things to be a case. B. f. skinner studied operant conditioning of voluntary behavior. Behaviorism became a major force in the twentieth century. Skinner introduced the concept of reinforcement to behaviorism. What is a neuron: structure and function, types of neurons. The nervous system: central nervous system, location and functions of all four lobes, functions of major brain regions (e. g. thalamus, hypothalamus, amygdala, hippocampus, etc , peripheral nervous system. Explain sensory thresholds: absolute threshold, difference threshold. Explain the nature of light and describe how light travels through the various parts of the eye.