PSYC 1001 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Somatic Nervous System, Efferent Nerve Fiber, Autonomic Nervous System

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19 Jan 2017
PSYC 1001 Full Course Notes
PSYC 1001 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Psychology has four goals specifically aimed at uncovering the mysteries of human animal behavior: description, explanation, prediction, control. Wilhelm wundt in leipzig, germany, in 1879. Historical foundations of psychology (e. g. structuralism, functionalism, gestalt) Structuralism: focus of study was the structure of the mind; founded by titchener (one of. Functionalism: founded by william james; focused on how the mind allows people to function in the real world. Gestalt: used by max wertheimer; early perspective in psychology focusing on perception, sensation, particularly the perception of patterns and whole figures. Freudian psychoanalysis: the theory and therapy based on the work of sigmund freud. Modern psychological perspectives: know what defines each of the disciplines (e. g. behaviorism, psychodynamic, sociocultural, biological, etc ) Behaviorism: by john b watson (later bf skinner); the science of behavior that focuses on observable behavior only (little albert);