PSYC 211 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Secondary Sex Characteristic, School Refusal, Vacuum Cleaner

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Bring a scantron (form no. 95142) and a no. 2 pencil. You cannot take exam after the first student who completes the exam left the classroom. Positive but realistic self-concept, pride in accomplishment, moral responsibility, cooperative participation: discuss the changes in school-age children"s self-concept. Describe the factors that affect school-age children"s self- concept and self-esteem. Domain-specific assessments made about oneself, young children = physical traits, middle children = more abstracts internal traits compare own characteristics with others. Factors: cognitive development changes structure of self, combination of cognitive capabilities and feedback from others change content. Learned helplessness: individual attributes failures to ability, success is from external factors like luck: discuss the changes in self-conscious emotions, emotional understanding, and management of emotion in middle childhood. Emotional understanding: explains emotion using internal states, understands mixed emotions, empathy increases. Emotional self-regulation: motivated by self-esteem and peer approval, emotional self-efficacy. Problem-centered: appraise situation as changeable, identify difficulty, decide what to do.