PSYC 211 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Prenatal Development, Social Learning Theory, Advanced Maternal Age

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S p r i n g 2 0 1 6 w a t a n a b e. Bring a scantron (form no. 95142) and a no. 2 pencil. You cannot take exam after the first student who completes the exam left the classroom. What is developmental science: study of constancy and change throughout the lifespan. Why are theories vital tools for developmental researchers: they describe, explain, and predict behavior; provide organizing frameworks for observations. Identify three basic issues on which theories of human development take a stand: continuous/discontinuous, nature/nurture, one course of development/many. List examples of nature and nurture: nature: hereditary, hair color, etc. Describe the lifespan perspective on development: development is lifelong, multidimensional/multidirectional, highly plastic, influenced by multiple integrated forces. What are the factors in resilience: resilience: the ability to adapt effectively in the face of threats to development; factors include personal characteristics, parental relationships, social support, and community resources.