SYP-3730 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Demographic Transition, Ageism, Central Tendency

183 views5 pages
13 Feb 2018

Document Summary

Description: your exam will consist of true/false questions, four-part multiple- choice questions, and six-part multiple-choice questions. You will also be given two essay questions. This study guides provides an overview of the content that will be important for you to focus on in preparing for your exam. You are also provided the essay questions and the rubric that will be used to grade them. Your exam has a maximum score of 200 points, which accounts for 20% of your semester grade. Each true/ false question is worth 2 points, each four-part multiple- choice question is worth 4 points, and each six-part multiple-choice question is worth 5 points. Macro- is a perspective that focuses more broadly on society: social age: refers to the ways in which society helps to shape the meanings and experiences of aging. Rather reality is created out of interactions among humans and by the social institutions within which people live their lives.