DEP-3103 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Phonics, Self-Control, Whole Language

51 views4 pages
25 Apr 2017

Document Summary

Know the cognitive abilities that have been acquired since the previous stage as well as the abilities that children will lack until they reach the next stage. Abstract reasoning- hypothetical situations and formal logic. Know the 3 systems as well as a rough estimate of the duration and span of each. Limited memory capacity may account for conservation issues in preoperational stage. Know the names of the control strategies from the lecture and how they are believed to improve memory performance. An understanding about the processes that underlie memory that emerges and improves during middle childhood. Control strategies- conscious, intentionally used tactics to improve cognitive processing. Rehearsal- repeating stimuli in their original form; linking stimuli to each other in a meaningful way. Chunking- grouping small units of info into large units; increases amount of info that can fit into working memory. Mnemonics- device such as a pattern of letters, ideas or associations that assists remembering something.