DEP-3103 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Phonological Awareness, Noam Chomsky, Pragmatics

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1 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Chapter 6: cognitive development: piagetian, core knowledge and. Vygotskian perspective: know the key terms introduced in the beginning of the chapter, e. g. , the difference between assimilation and accommodation. includes all mental activity like: attending, remembering, symbolizing, categorizing, Cognition: this refers to the inner processes and products of the mind that lead to knowing . It planning, reasoning, problem solving, creating, and fantasizing. Constructivist approach: according to jean piaget, infants don"t start out as cognitive beings. In his view of cognitive development, children discover or construct virtually all knowledge about their world through their own activity. Schemes: this is a specific psychological structure and is an organized way of making sense of experience. Mental representation: internal depictions of information that the mind can manipulate. Adaptation: this involves building schemes through direct interaction with the environment. It consists of the two complementary activities assimilation and accommodation. Assimilation: we use our current schemes to interpret the external world.