CHM-3120 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Column Chromatography, Olive Oil, Miscibility

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*won"t go in-depth into liquid (lc) nor gas chromatography (gc) nor electrophoresis. Analytical purposes: to decrease complexity of matrix for analysis. >no analytical systems are specific enough for analysis of most complex matrices directly. >notice that as lod increases, analysis becomes more difficult. *separation appear to violate 2nd law of thermo (law of entropy) To offset the decrease in entropy, will lose some original material after the separation, and/or dilute original sample (now lost some valuable product and sample more dilute so difficult to analyze further) *most separations based on phase distributions (cmpds of interest partition btwn 2 immiscible phases) >if have metal cmpds in soln, these metals will complex w/ Oh and increase soln ph until metal cmpds crash out. In (1) & (2), phases are the cmpds we want to separate but in (3) we choose the phases and they consist of chemicals other than the ones we want to separate.