SPC 1340 Study Guide - Final Guide: Expectancy Violations Theory, Doublespeak, Triangle Of Reference

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16 Oct 2017

Document Summary

How you acquire your ability to use words depends on 3 things: native architecture, cognitive development, environmental influences. Cognitive development the development of the thinking and organizing systems of your brain. Not only language but also mental imagery, reasoning, problem solving and memory development. Suggests that the language you use to some extent determines or at least influences the way in which you view and think about the world around you. Semantic triangle a model proposed to indicate the direct relationship between symbols (words) and thoughts. Connotative meaning the feelings or associations each individual has about a word. The ladder of abstraction a diagram of how we abstract through language, classifications, types, categories , and so on. Credibility the first rule for making a positive impression online is to eliminate all typos and sloppy or hurriedly constructed material because it damages it quickly. Language environment: 4 elements: people, purpose, the rules of communication, actual talk.