PSYC 218 Study Guide - Final Guide: Celery, Intentionality, Order Theory

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23 Sep 2015

Document Summary

I know that you have an idea that can be incorrect. Red bin holds cookies, blue bin holds hamburgers. The most basic theory of mind you have. (what is extant?) Show picture of a boy and girl. Who is right when they see markers? (what do others know) Who will say i don"t want any of this when they see celery? (what do others want) Diverse desires: child judges that two people have different desires about same objects. Diverse beliefs: child judges that two people have different beliefs about same objects, when the child does not know which belief is true or false. Knowledge access: child sees what is in box and judges knowledge of another person who hasn"t seen what is inside box. Contents false belief: child judges another person"s false belief about what is in a distinctive container when child knows what is in container.