BIO 245 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mental Health Professional, Doctor Of Psychology, Family Therapy

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16 Oct 2018

Document Summary

Describes behavioral, psychological, or biological dysfunctions that are unexpected in their culture or context and associated with present distress and impairment in functioning or increased risk of suffering, death, pain or impairment. Dimensional estimates of the severity of specific orders. Psycho pathology= scientific study of psychological disorders. Marriage and family therapy (ma, ms, mft) Evaluator of science determining the effectiveness of the practice. Creator of science conducting research that leads to new procedures useful in practice. Acute (sudden onset) vs. insidious (slow onset) Biopsychosocial model- how all possible causes come to work together. Prevalence number of active cases in population during any given period of time. Different types of prevalence estimates incidence number of new cases in population over a given period of time. Incidence figures are typically lower than prevalence figures. Deviance = battle of good vs evil . Hysteria and the wandering uterus how women described. Either in balance or out of balance.