SOC 101 Midterm: Outline

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Allows individuals to recognize/grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society. Therefore, sociological imagination helps to identify social and historical contexts and the interplay between individual agency and social structures. A tool for linking personal experience to societal/historical events. Allows us to analyze and understand structures that have become invisible to us. The relationship between social integration and suicide is that there are higher chances of suicides when social integration is lacking. Macro: large scale, bigger picture, society as a whole. Functionalism: social rules are needed for a stable society. Socialization and social integration are important; it is also important for people to know their roles. Conflict theory: inequality is pervasive in society; society is shaped by inequality. Conflict arises between groups as a result. Symbolic interactionism: social order is possible because people learn and use symbols. Individuals learn, give meaning to, and modify social rules through these symbols.