SOC 202- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 31 pages long!)

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Involves the ability to grasp the relationship between our lives as individuals and larger social forces that help shape them. Context involves social environments, economic, cultural and educational conditions. Social context refers to influence of society on individuals. The sociological imagination requires us to search for the link between micro and macro levels of analysis. Micro (or small scale) social phenomena - individuals and their thoughts and actions. Macro (larger scale) - groups cultures, society, the world and the relationships among them. Another way of viewing the micro-macro relationship. Agency gives great importance to the indiv agent as having power. However, agents are enmeshed in macro-level social and cultural structures and are constrained (ex: students at nc state) Principle themes of sociological research (social) diversity: refers to the variety of group experiences that results from the social structure of society. The shaping of social inst by different social factors.