PSC 120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Daniel Shays, Federalist No. 10, The Federalist Papers

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Document Summary

What each branch of government does and its powers as stated in the constitution. Article i: the legislative article - defines the bicameral character of the. Congress and describes the internal operating procedures of the house of. Article ii: the executive article - sets the president"s term of office, the procedure for electing a president through the electoral college, the qualifications for becoming president, and the. Key supreme court power: judicial review (see chapter 11 below) House of representatives (435 members): 2 year terms, Senate (100 members): 6 year terms, 1/3 of the senate is elected every 2 years. Acts as a court to try impeachments (2/3 majority is necessary for conviction) Power to approve treaties with foreign nations (2/3 majority) Challenge of democracy chapter 2 - the constitution: the declaration of independence. Drafted by thomas jefferson, this document proclaimed the right of the colonies to separate from great britain.