PSYC 2012 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sensory Neuron, Rhodopsin, Visual Cortex

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7 Feb 2018

Document Summary

Marlee lederer: week 8 visual systems & visual processing. Be able to list the five different senses and what type of stimuli (light, mechanical forces, chemical signals) they are responsive to, and which of the 3 different kinds of sensory receptors they are associated with. Sight or vision: light signals are converted into action potentials. Taste or gustation: chemical signals are converted into action potentials (close range chemical sense) Smell or olfaction: chemical signals are converted into action potentials (larger range of chemical sense) Hearing or audition: mechanical/physical signals (air pressure waves) are converted into action potentials. Touch or somatosensation: physical signals (touch, temperature, pain) are converted into action potentials. Understand how the sensory stimulus intensity and stimulus quality are coded or represented in the nervous system. Stimulus quantity: the amount of a given signal - greater intensity is a brighter light or louder noise and is encoded b(cid:455) .