PSYC 481 Study Guide - Final Guide: Endorphins, Aneurysm, Experiential Avoidance

120 views11 pages
24 Jan 2018

Document Summary

Current controversies in clinical psych: prescription privileges, evidence-based practice/manualized therapy, overexpansion of mental disorder, 3rd party payment vs self-payment (insurance issues, the influence of tech & cybertherapy (skype/online. Assessment in clinical psych: intelligence, ex: stanford-binet & wechsler, projective, ex: rorschach & tat, personality, ex: mmpi. Effects of managed care: insurance, wants a diagnosis, clinicians may misdiagnose. Acculturation (a part of knowledge: response to new cultural environment, balance adopting new. & retaining original: strategies, assimilation (anxiety can occur, high new, low original, separation (anxiety can occur, low new, high original, marginalization (depression can occur, low new & original, integration (healthiest of all, high new & original. Microaggressions: comments/actions made in cultural context that convey negative believe. Confidentiality: a therapist may not disclose info to anyone, unless required by law or authorized by the client. Models of intelligence: louis thurstone, intelligence is plural abilities that may not relate to each other, different intelligence levels, hierarchal models, blend singular & plural theories.