PSYC 481 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Autism Spectrum, Primum Non Nocere, Schizophrenia

102 views12 pages
24 Jan 2018

Document Summary

Training models of clinical psych: scientist-practitioner model (boulder model) Program (pps: licensed professional (clinical) counselor, allows you to travel the country (instead of getting a. **lps, mft, lcsw are all in the same program to qualify you may need to take more classes. Technology: using skype, facetime, etc. for therapy, concerns, confirming the identity of the client, confidentiality across electronic transmission, making interpretations w/o nonverbal cues, competence in technical & clinical skills. Assessment in clinical psych: intelligence stanford-binet & wechsler, projective rorschach & tat, inkblot test, personality, mmpi. Effects of managed care: insurance pressure therapists to give diagnosis to client, negative impact on quality, ethical problems, including confidentiality. Narrow vs broad culture: narrow culture, race & ethnicity, broad culture, ses, religion, gender, age, geography, political. 4: microaggression: comments/actions made in cultural context that convey negative believe. Acculturation (a part of knowledge: response to new cultural environment, balance adopting new.