COM 3331- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 22 pages long!)

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Document Summary

1: the wrong intensities of work effort at the wrong time, profanity that spells disaster for followers. Team work benefits: making more important decisions than individual can make, synergistic efforts, a pool/wealth of knowledge, more flexible ideas, collective effort yields more results, more availability. Forecasting: planning things out like a grown adult to avoid going bankrupt or putting others workers in dangerous situations. Structural configurations: simple structure, machine bureaucracy, professional bureaucracy, divisionalized form. Examples of bad leading mistakes: weak decisions, not taking care of your mental health, waiting until the last minute to do something, procrastinating. How to differentiate: horizontal, vertical, spatial, considers location distances between places for a company. Problems of communication: information overload, physical and psychological barriers, biases and distortions, judgments. Informational transfer model: physical or psychological noise interferes with correct transfer of information, sending and receiving (2 way interaction, nonverbal behavior is believed more than verbal, or spoken, words, emphasizes the sender"s role.