[SPCM 200] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (26 pages long!)

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Civility: care and concern for others, the thoughtful use of words and language, and the flexibility to see many sides of an issue. Public dialogue: the ethical and civil exchange of ideas and opinions among communities about topics that affect the public. Communication apprehension: level of fear and anxiety associated with wither real or anticipated communication with other people. Two types: trait anxiety: people who are apprehensive in any situation, state anxiety: people who are apprehensive about a particular situation. Ethical public speaker: considers the moral impact of your ideas and arguments on others when entering into a public dialogue. 5 ways: how do you deal with trait anxiety. Really. paranoid. recluse. always. cares: do your research, practice, have realistic expectations, practice vizualizations and affrimations, connect with audience. Public speaking model: speaker: person who stimulates dialogue by delivering an oral message. They do their research, and presents message in civil way. Considers needs of audience: message: the information conveyed by the speaker.