PSY 210 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Smoking Cessation, Fide, Internal Validity

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14 Oct 2015

Document Summary

Focus questions for studying the required articles: unit 2. These questions are meant as a guide to help you understand the material, not as a list of what will be on the exam. However, knowing the answers to these questions will help a lot! Read and study the articles in their entirety. Behaviors and thoughts partly cause anxiety, which affects emotions. The first step is to create a hierarchy of the child"s fears, then work through the fears in ascending order of anxiety. It accepts negative thoughts instead of trying to change them. Depressed patients scored an average of 59% lower than their control counterparts on a depression scale after treatment. Psychotic patients were hospitalized 50% less than their control counterparts. It"s overwhelmingly self-helpy and does not address the root problem a patient may be having. I want to change irrational thoughts, not accept them. This is especially the case if these thoughts are destructive.