PSY 210 Study Guide - Compulsive Hoarding, Positive Psychotherapy, Transtheoretical Model

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16 Apr 2014

Document Summary

Focus questions for studying the required articles: unit 3. These questions are meant as a guide to help you understand the material, not as a list of what will be on the exam. However, knowing the answers to these questions will help a lot! Read and study the articles in their entirety. Treatment of compulsive hoarding: describe the basic symptoms of ocd with hoarding and saving compulsions. 5: lower activity in the anterior and posterior cingulate gyrus has been found in hoarders. Briefly describe each of them: describe csikszentmihalyi"s concept of flow. , how did study 1 differ from study 2, describe some of the exercises utilized in the ppt. In looking at the treatment process for study 2, does this remind you of an efficacy study or an effectiveness study, such as those you read about in seligman"s earlier article (the. In which stages does detoxification distinguish between them.