PSYC 395 Midterm: Exam 2 Study Guide (CH 4-6)

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The abc"s of attitudes (p. 120); clusters of attitudes (lecture remember the slide of the car bumper stickers?) A ffect feelings (emotions)(can vary in intensity) B ehavior intentions to act toward or against something. C ognition knowledge or infor about the target. How well do our attitudes predict our behaviors? (p. 120+) If i know your attitude, i can predict your behavior. Change a person"s attitude, and the behavioral will change accordingly. May still not be convinced but in the end you"ll do the behavior, changing attitude by getting stats can be a gud way. Attitudes are frequently poor predictors of the way people actually behave why is this? (p. 124-125) Ppls expressed attitudes aren"t always gud predictors of their varying behaviors. Expressed attitudes usually measuring cause were collecting attitudes from self report measures. Possible problems with self report measures (in regard to attitudes)