HCSV 360 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Managed Care, Baby Boomers, Organizational Chart

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The test is 17 multiple choice, 12 t/f and 65 points of short answer or essay- 100 points total *= essay/short answer topics. Learning styles, know differences & different kind of intelligences- how to both apply to management. *why is it important to identify an employees intelligences and learning styles. Non direct care- know the differences and examples. Direct: (cid:494)hands on(cid:495) provide care directly to a pt, resident, or client seeking services from the organization. Non-direct: not directly involved in providing care to pt(cid:495)s needing services; support the care of individuals through products & service made available to direct care settings. External vs. internal domains of management- know examples managers oversee both internal & external issues. External- community demographics/need; licensure; accreditation; regulations; stakeholder demands; competitors, medicare & medicaid; managed care organizations/insurers. Internal- staffing; budgeting; quality services; pt satisfaction; physician relations; financial performance; tech. acquisition; new service development.