NEHC 20013 Study Guide - Final Guide: Abu Simbel Temples, Nefertari, Ramesseum

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Akhenaten moved the capital to amarna for two primary reasons. Firstly, the new location had never before been settled. In his eyes, this was a deciding factor because it meant there were no traces of gods having been previously worshipped and no other settlements existed to promulgate preconceived ideas. In other words, he could build amarna from a blank slate and impose his ideas and will more easily without having to upset the order of a more established city, like thebes or memphis. Secondly, there was significant space for building, as well as cliffs that would provide a great defense, as well as a location for tombs to be constructed. Seti i"s reign was marked by a two primary activities: structural restoration (temple of. Osiris at abydos; abydos king list) and military campaigning. In regards to the first, seti restored the temples and representations that were proscribed during the reign of akhenaten.