NEHC 20013 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Miraculous Births, Turin King List, Egyptian Hieroglyphs

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Three kingdoms: hyksos (in the north until thebes, egyptians (thebes to the 1st cataract, nubia (in the kingdom of kush) Hyksos were the 15th dynasty & 14th dynasty: took over the nile delta, ruled from avaris, most famous ruler apepi/apophis (ruled for 40 years, asiatics, tell-el dab"a city. Kush: kerma was the capital, they were famous bowmen, many nubians served in the egyptian armies, but we are unsure whether voluntary or conscripted. Manetho: egyptian priest in the 3rd century wrote a compilation of ancient egypt. Took the throne after his father was killed in conflict with the hyksos (seqenenra taa) Retook buhen from the nubians (in or before his third regal year: this gave him access to the gold mines in the region. Made an expedition to avaris (we know from the kahmose stela) Probably died shortly after his 3rd regal year. Monuments at buhen to commemorate kahmose gaining control of wawat.