POLS 111 Study Guide - Final Guide: Advocacy Group, Direct Democracy

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Interest group: organization formed to protect and promote the political objectives of its members by pressuring elected officials to enact legislation favorable to its causes. Primary role: supporting political cand and influencing policy types of interest groups: Economic: concerned with securing financial gains or hopiong to prevent financial losses for its members. Single issue group: concened with a very narrow issue. Demographic: consists of a membership that shares characteristics that set it apart from other segmets of the population. Public interest group: seeks no private gain for its memebrs at all, but rather advocates for broad issues that affect society as a whole. Which typically consnists of creating or changing public policy to benefit their members interest in ssome shape or form. 4 major ways in which interest groups try to influence public policy: lobbying. Lobbyists play a hugely important role in the political process in us.