BIO 160 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Anoxygenic Photosynthesis, Symplesiomorphy, Monera

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You determine that these tumors reduce the amount of water reaching the leaves, and subsequently reduces their rate of photosynthesis. 1: as rains increased on daphne major after a drought, seeds of all types became abundant. Finches increased in population size and the average beak depth decreased. Genetically, there are three distinct lineages in three genera (plural of genus). The first lineage to diverge from the ancestral lineage was the warbler finch (genus certhidea). Next to diverge was the vegetarian finch (genus camarhynchus), followed by five tree finch species (also in genus. Last were the six ground finch species (genus geospiza). Ii) a monophyletic group can be properly based on convergent features. Iii) the ancestral group always has all the synapomorphies of the descendant species: only i, only ii, only iii, i, ii, and iii, none. Not i, ii, or iii: some beetles and flies have antler-like structures on their heads, much like male deer do.